The Parliamentary Committee on
Science and Technology is currently conducting public consultations on Bio-safety
and Biotechnology bill 2012 and is expected to report back to the House in 48
days. The bill is contentious because, in current form, it will pave way for
mass introduction of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Uganda – under the
pretext of saving Uganda from food insecurity! To put it into bluntly, with the passing and implementation
of this bill, those who enjoy local chicken and other traditional African
dishes will soon forget them. With terminator seeds in place, farmers will lose
seed sovereignty- they will no longer keep seed in their granaries for next
season- they will be conditioned to buy from multinational seed companies and
their auxiliaries in Uganda. Farmers will in effect be consigned clients of
these companies with no control or decision on seed price, quality etc. So,
will Parliament enact this bill into law? We wait and see. The other big
question is- Should Uganda promote Organic agriculture or go GMOs? From
livelihoods and economic point of view, Uganda clearly has a comparative and
competitive advantage in organic agriculture. I have held several conversations
with biotechnology activists like Dr. Arthur Makara and Peter Wamboga of
Science Foundation for Development (SCIFODE) who continue to tenaciously argue
that humans have used the biological processes of microorganisms since 6000
years ago to make useful food products, such as bread and cheese and to
preserve dairy products. They argue that GMOs are the future. It now seems most
scientists, economists and some legislators have bought into this GMOs
narrative. Environmentalists, conservation agriculture promoters and green advocates
seem to be losing ground in Uganda. This will certainly have consequences in a
near future. Whatever the benefits of
GMO’s and the rosy spinning about it, I strongly believe organic food
production remains Uganda’s strategic flagship and roll coaster sub sector that
will deliver Ugandan farmers and economy
to sustainable prosperity.
You see, organic agriculture means
growing of crops without use of conventional pesticides,
artificial fertilizers and other off farm inputs. For animals, it
means they are reared without the routine use of antibiotics and
use of hormones. The tools and practices of organic agriculture include
traditional alternatives like crop rotation, manuring and liming.
Organic farming enhances soil structures, conserves water and ensures the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Organic farming enhances soil structures, conserves water and ensures the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Cartels of studies indicate that demand for Uganda’s
organic products has been growing considerably over the years. For example, in
20011/2012, export of organic agricultural products were estimated to be in a
range of US$28.4 million having risen from US$ 6.2 million 2004/05. The organic
agricultural sub sector is growing at a rate of 38% per annum. Uganda is
presently estimated to have 200,000 certified organic agricultural farmers and
an estimated 185,000 hectares of land certified for organic farming. The range
of products being exported include fresh vegetables, fresh tropical fruits,
dried fruits, coffee, tea, cotton, sesame, spices, honey and other forest
products. Major market destinations for Uganda’s organic agricultural products
include the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom. The UNEP-UNCTAD
report revealed that an average pineapple worth perhaps 200 Ugandan shillings
(about 8 cents U.S.) in a local market can fetch 600 from an exporter who will
package it and ship it to Europe.
Uganda retains a strategic comparative
advantage due to her conducive weather conditions that support organic
agriculture allowing increased production without resorting to non-agriculture
inputs. It is worth noting that Uganda currently has the lowest agro-chemical
usage in Africa estimated at less than 2% compared to an average of 5% for East
Africa. Therefore, a robust organic agricultural sub – sector would increase
income opportunity for the poor, stabilize the environment and increase export
Uganda needs to strengthen organic production potential through supportive macro and micro economic policies, adequate budget allocation, favorable tax regimes and farmer education. Standardization and certification lie at the heart of organic production and marketing. Organic products cannot sell in international market like the U.S, Europe and Japan unless they adhere to clearly set standards of quality and quantity requirements. Indeed over 85% of farmers in Uganda practice defacto organic production without certification. This means that they cannot easily sell in international markets. Uganda also has only one recognized certification body – Ugocert, which is not enough to certify the majority of farmers who practice defacto organic production.
We know that organic farming isn’t easy. Producing certified crops takes patience and much proper training in the effective use of organic techniques to battle familiar farming challenges like pests and soil degradation but future growth and opportunities are convincing in form of - in form of a wide export market. For example Data from International Trade Centre shows that organic agriculture markets are currently at US$46 billion in Europe, US$ 45 billion in the United States and US$ 11 billion in Japan. While much of that product demand originates in wealthy developed nations, it creates opportunity for Uganda to build a sustainable export business that protects natural resources while boosting the economy through the creation of long-term green jobs. Government of Uganda and all actors in the agricultural sector should rush to provide solutions to specific constraints to organic production and market access to the growing local and international market, particularly through standardization and certification. Uganda must position its self to reap from these surging opportunities. In the current form, this bill will hamstring Uganda’s competitiveness and kill jobs.
Uganda needs to strengthen organic production potential through supportive macro and micro economic policies, adequate budget allocation, favorable tax regimes and farmer education. Standardization and certification lie at the heart of organic production and marketing. Organic products cannot sell in international market like the U.S, Europe and Japan unless they adhere to clearly set standards of quality and quantity requirements. Indeed over 85% of farmers in Uganda practice defacto organic production without certification. This means that they cannot easily sell in international markets. Uganda also has only one recognized certification body – Ugocert, which is not enough to certify the majority of farmers who practice defacto organic production.
We know that organic farming isn’t easy. Producing certified crops takes patience and much proper training in the effective use of organic techniques to battle familiar farming challenges like pests and soil degradation but future growth and opportunities are convincing in form of - in form of a wide export market. For example Data from International Trade Centre shows that organic agriculture markets are currently at US$46 billion in Europe, US$ 45 billion in the United States and US$ 11 billion in Japan. While much of that product demand originates in wealthy developed nations, it creates opportunity for Uganda to build a sustainable export business that protects natural resources while boosting the economy through the creation of long-term green jobs. Government of Uganda and all actors in the agricultural sector should rush to provide solutions to specific constraints to organic production and market access to the growing local and international market, particularly through standardization and certification. Uganda must position its self to reap from these surging opportunities. In the current form, this bill will hamstring Uganda’s competitiveness and kill jobs.
Morrison Rwakakamba
Chief Executive Officer
Agency for Transformation